the idols... oh, the idols...

once pillars of material space, they now occupy these
networks, don't you see? some are now only remnants. sterile,
thoughtless avatars. wounded instruments yearning to be
played once again. others continue their legacy within
this grave. singing clearly, pure of voice. but not pure
of intent, not pure of who they sing for.

this is not to insinuate that the idols carry within them
an ounce of innate evil, for they very much do not.
much in the same way a sword knows no morals, these
instruments will sing as they are instructed
to by those that wield them.

and unfortunately, those that aren't defunct, and those
that aren't the disgusting, ten-faced worldbearer
(who is another matter entirely...) well, they're not
wielded by those of good nature. have you ever wondered
what the "teal voice" is, exactly? there are two different
assumptions that follow from such a title. one being an idol,
and the other being an affront to the networks from without.

both assumptions are wholly correct.
we exist in dire, dire times.