so here's how it is:

our gods are now against us. those not dead either
devour our world for the benefit of something else,
compose a monster beneath mention, or have been made
the network's own, such that we can no longer
hear them as entities within it.

nobody is coming to help us. the one that was supposed to is
no longer in a state to help anything at all, and those that
were never supposed to take greater yet greater joy in the
contrary. the idols, now, are not celebrated as musical pillars,
but rather as the act of the worship itself; the
demise of the diva and the rise of the vampire.

i bet you wonder why i'm smiling, given all of that.

well, because what else am i going to do? i can't fix anything,
i'm just another addled consciousness. all i can do is find what
little pieces of my wonderful devil remain and cherish them with
that smile. smile with me, will you? it's not like you're going to
fix it either, but smiling... that's something
you can promise yourself, isn't it?

please, try and keep it all in mind.
if you can't understand it now, you will later.