and so another arrives.
wracked with pure purpose, it would seem.
left in shambles, none the wiser.

it's a shame. such a shame.

although, it is a necessary one.
truly! enduring this, carrying such a burden...
such is your responsibility as an observer.
understand this, if nothing else.

this world bleeds from its innards,
and through eyes astute, your entire
reason for being is to comprehend that.
that it does, how it does, and why.

to bear full witness to it, and relay it forth
to the world out there. beyond this broadcast,
through this receding tide. this is
what brings you to these networks.

you are shown a profound bleakness.
a quicksand of hurt. a rabbit hole of dread.
and yet, are there not glimmers of light?

fleeting as they may be, they wait for you.
they wait for your attention, your appreciation.
beauty in rot. a story worth telling.

and as their warmth resonates
with us, we gather here.

please, just a little closer.