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the following are questions that one may wish to ask 「momo,
and what its answers would be to such questions.

if there is a question you have that is not covered here,
please connect with 「momo,」 and if the question can
and should be answered, it may be added to this page.


is this deep web/an ARG/the occult?




am i allowed to repost/use your work?


"anything i create is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

this includes images, writings, characters, source code,
and original audio; i cannot license the use of
audio that itself has been borrowed from other sources.

this is to say that you are permitted to do as you wish
with my work so long as i am credited (preferably including a
link to this site,) your use is non-commercial (meaning you
don't profit financially,) and that if you choose to
publicly share something incorporating my work,
you do so under this same license."


what inspired you to create this website?


"many things. the act itself was inspired by other websites,
which are named and linked to here. the world and its story,
however - its stories, rather, are inspired by a large sum of things.
the aforementioned websites, perhaps, but also the life events and
media that have shaped my worldview, or that i just think are cool."


why a website, exactly?


"i'm quite intrigued by net art as a medium. there's
a magical sort of flexibility and capacity for creativity
in expressing yourself through a website. the story i wish to tell,
and the thoughts i wish to invoke... there was no other option,
especially considering the cool things i've seen others do.

i mean, really. you can do so much with the medium. and it's hard to
get more accessible than "just go here on your browser" when it
comes to an audience. speaking of accessibility, don't think you
oughta be some kind of professional to put together a site like this.
i knew almost nothing about how to do these things going in,
and yet i'd like to think what i've made is very nice indeed.

it's a bit of a shame that this sort of creativity seems to be
discouraged by the wider net as things stand right now.
help me fix that, will you? make something. and send me an email
linking to it, so i can enjoy it and maybe
shout it out if it feels appropriate."


how did you make this or that image?


"well, i have a few very different approaches i'll take
depending on what i want an image to be. what's pretty
consistent though, is using, gimp, and various
plugins for the two of them in tandem to achieve it. i often
do not have a plan going in, but the image knows what it
wants to be, and will bring me to such a finished product."


what is the meaning of all of this?


"i know only little more than you, but...
something very special, i'm sure."


can i get a hand with this or that puzzle?


"sure! my advice is to spend a great deal of quality time with
the puzzle. some may be timid, but you just need to listen closely,
and offer it flowers of thought. your puzzle-solving
woes will not last long with such a plan."